By Skin Boutique

What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning, which is also called manual exfoliation, is a cosmetic procedure used to remove dead skin cells and vellus hair, or “peach fuzz,” to produce smoother and more even skin. It can be used on most skin types and is performed on the face, under the chin or on the arms. Dermaplaning should not be done on the chest, eyelids or eyebrows.

What Does the Procedure Involve?

Dermaplaning should be performed by a trained professional who specializes in the procedure. They will use a special tool to exfoliate the patient’s skin. The specialist will thoroughly clean and dry the patient’s skin. They will pull part of the treatment site taut and gently remove the top layer of dead skin cells with the tool. They will use quick and short strokes. The procedure takes only about 30 minutes, and it is no more uncomfortable than shaving one’s legs or face. Dermaplaning can be used to prepare the skin for a facial or chemical peel.

What are the Results Like?

The results will be immediately obvious. The patient’s skin will have a more even tone, and it will feel softer. It will also be more sensitive to the sun. To avoid hyperpigmentation, the patient should wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and a broad-brimmed hat. A single session can remove two or three weeks’ worth of dead skin cells, and the effects last around three or four weeks.

What is the Difference Between Dermaplaning and Dermabrasion?

Both dermaplaning and dermabrasion are cosmetic procedures used to improve the appearance of the skin, and they both involve exfoliating the top layers of the skin. They are also both used to treat scars. In dermabrasion, however, the specialist uses a wire brush or rough-edged diamond wheel to scrape off the topmost layers of the skin.

Who is a Good Candidate for Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning works well on many skin types, and it is especially effective for people with dry skin. Since no drugs or chemicals are used in the procedure, dermaplaning is safe for pregnant or nursing women. Of course, your candidacy for this procedure will be determined during a consultation at our office.

Learn More About Dermaplaning

Located in Birmingham, Skin Boutique proudly offers dermaplaning treatments as a safe, quick and effective way for patients to rejuvenate their skin. Contact our office today to schedule your appointment to see if this treatment can benefit you.

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