
Vitamin Shots

If you normally feel sluggish and depleted of energy, or even had one too many drinks on a night out on the town, there may be more going on inside your body than expected. In addition to being frequently dehydrated, your body requires many vitamins and nutrients that are often unknowingly neglected. At Skin Boutique, we offer Vitamin Shots for our Birmingham and Metro Detroit patients who would like to give their bodies something a little bit extra using all-natural ingredients. To learn more about the treatment and what nutrient combinations we offer, please keep reading below.

Woman having a green smoothie after yoga
Woman closing her eyes and meditating

What are Vitamin Shots?

Learn about Vitamin Shots

Vitamin Shots have quickly become a very popular treatment for patients looking to get vitamins and minerals that their body craves to perform efficiently. While it has been widely used in the world of sports, this treatment is gaining momentum in the medical spa community. 

Many of our Detroit & Birmingham patients will frequently use Vitamin Shots to help with the following conditions:

  • Altitude Sickness
  • Anti-Aging
  • Athletic Performance
  • Hangover Recovery
  • Immunity boost
  • Jetlag Recovery
  • Rehydration
  • Weight Loss

We offer several different types of Vitamin Shots, so talk with a member of our aesthetic medicine team to figure out which one will work best for you!


Get a boost of energy with a shot of essential B vitamins. B12 has been shown to have beneficial results in reducing stress and fatigue, as well as improving memory and cardiovascular health.

Woman enjoying the sunset on an evening stroll on the beach
Brunette woman in white top

Skin Boutique Cocktail

A combination of B-Complex and amino acids, some of which are not produced by the body or not easily obtained from current food sources. The Skin Boutique Cocktail can be used in conjunction with many different diet plans to aid in losing weight or weight-loss programs.

Skin Boutique Cocktail Ingredients:

  • Methionine: An essential amino acid that helps the body process and eliminates fat, as well as assists with the digestive system and removing heavy metals from the body.
  • Inositol: Aids in preventing the collection of fats in the liver and promotes healthy hair growth, as well as a healthy metabolism. Considered a brain food, the nutrient is also necessary for nourishing the brain and facilitating nerve impulses.
  • Choline: Assists in controlling weight as well as cholesterol levels, keeping cell membranes healthy, and preventing gallstones. It is most useful in the maintenance of the nervous system, assisting memory and learning, and may help to fight infections. Choline is also used to produce the important neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
  • B1: Catalyzes carbohydrate metabolism.
  • B2: Helps metabolize fats, carbohydrates, and respiratory proteins.
  • B3: Helps release energy from nutrients. Can also reduce cholesterol and prevent and treat arteriosclerosis.
  • B5 or Pantothenic Acid: A member of the B-vitamin family, B5 is an essential nutrient in human nutrition. Pantothenic acid is involved in a number of biological reactions, including the production of energy, the catabolism of fatty acids, and amino acids the synthesis of fatty acids.
  • B6 or Pyroxidine: Helps metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, and aids in proper nervous and immune system function.
  • B-12: Important for normal brain and nervous system function and in the formation of blood.

*These statements have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA. This is NOT intended to diagnose, treat or prevent illness or disease.

What are the
benefits of Vitamin Shots?

Our Birmingham Vitamin Shot patients have been able to enjoy a complete lifestyle change after receiving their specific treatment. Some of these incredible benefits include:

  • Better immune system
  • Can be an extraordinary addition to your health regimen
  • Combats the effects of aging
  • Minimized hangover effect
  • Reduced anxiety
  • And so much more!

With the minerals and vitamins being administered directly through the bloodstream, you will be able to feel the effects almost instantly. While it does take a few days for your body to distribute the nutrients to the rest of your body, you will be able to enjoy the energizing effects for weeks.

Who are the best
candidates for Vitamin Shots?

Anyone can be a great candidate for Vitamin Shots in Birmingham and the Metro Detroit area as it is a great solution for those with nutritional deficiency, patients with medical conditions that make it difficult to receive certain nutrients through their diet, and even those who went a little too wild on Friday night! 

We do feel the best candidates for Vitamin Shots are looking to prevent health conditions, treat certain deficiencies, or would like to support a healthier lifestyle, as well as being optimistic and realistic towards the results of the treatment. Vitamin Shots can help improve the following conditions:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Bacterial or viral illnesses
  • Immune disorders
  • Migraine
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Muscle spasms
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Parkinson’s disease

What are the first
steps of getting Vitamin Shots?

First Steps

The first step in getting Vitamin Shots in Birmingham or Detroit, MI is to contact Skin Boutique and schedule a consultation. When you come in, you will meet with a member of our aesthetics medical team and they will discuss what you’re hoping to achieve through this treatment, and help you pick the perfect vitamin cocktail combination. You will also be asked questions regarding your medical history to prevent unnecessary risks.  After agreeing on what the mixture will consist of, your Vitamin Shots treatment plan will be made. If you are satisfied with the plan, we will be able to administer your injection immediately following your consultation. If you would like to reschedule for any reason, our Patient Coordinator will be able to help you choose a better date.


What to expect?

Vitamin Shots Expectations

When you’re ready for your Vitamin Shots, you will first get comfortable in one of our reclining chairs. The technician will sterilize the location and the Vitamin Shots are inserted, normally your hip or arm. 

Woman relaxing in her reading den surrounded by plants


Vitamin Shots Recovery

Following your treatment, you will notice that you are already feeling the effects of your treatment. The combination of vitamins will rehydrate your body and give you an extra bounce in your step. As the nutrients are delivered throughout your body over the next few days, you should be able to recognize the full perks of your Vitamin Shots, which should continue to last for the next two to three weeks.

How much
do Vitamin Shots cost in Detroit?

The cost of Vitamin Shots in Birmingham and Detroit is primarily determined by which vitamins you request to receive, in addition to a few other factors. While we have provided an average price for each option we offer, when you come in for your consultation and create your Injection plan, our Patient Coordinator will be able to provide you with a price breakdown to give you a better understanding of the total cost for your treatment.

Why choose
us for your Vitamin Shots?

Skin Boutique is your premier medical spa located in Birmingham, MI and we are a well-known beauty destination for clients of all ages and with all skin concerns. Our ongoing focus is offering the latest cutting-edge treatments to help you look and feel your best, with the safest and most cost-effective treatments and options available, while providing a warm and nurturing environment and experience.

Contact Us

Schedule a consultation

If you feel like your body needs the boost it’s not getting, contact Skin Boutique today for your Vitamin Shots in Birmingham, MI! You can call us at (248) 588-3500, or use our website to request an appointment and a member of our team will be in touch with you shortly.

Vitamin Shots FAQs

Client Resources

We’re here to help, with a number of client resources designed to make your experience as comfortable as possible. Read through the materials below, and don’t hesitate to reach out.

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