Are you interested in facial laser hair removal with Forever Bare BBL? Our medical aesthetic experts can determine if you are a good candidate for this treatment.
As a permanent solution to reducing excess hair, the Forever Bare BBL destroys hair at the follicle, inhibiting its ability to regrow. It’s important to note that this treatment will only work on hair that is in an active phase of growing.
To prepare for your treatment, you should avoid any hair-removal methods six weeks prior to your appointment that remove the hair at the root, including waxing, plucking and electrolysis (shaving is fine). Most clients will need six to eight treatments spaced four weeks apart for facial hair reduction.
The best part is that the treatment is fast, comfortable and permanent with no downtime.
Get rid of that unwanted facial hair – arrange a Forever Bare BBL consultation by contacting Skin Boutique today. We look forward to helping you look and feel your best!